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Le Royaume de Nosgoth.
L'Ancien : "Je suis le noyau vital, l'essence même de Nosgoth.".
Moébius : "T'es-tu vraiment cru capable de changer "mon" histoire ?".
Raziel : "Ma destinée t'amuse, c'est ça ?".
Kain : "L'éternité est implacable.".
Janos Audron : "Ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font. Ils sont ignorants, et si faciles à manipuler.".
Ariel : "À jamais je suis emprisonnée ici, tout espoir serait vain...".
Vorador : "Regardons maintenant de l'autre côté du miroir.".
Hylden : "Quelle naïveté de penser que l'on peut s'opposer à sa destinée !".
Raziel : "Je veux voir le monde dans son enfance, avant la croisade des séraphéens.".
Kain : "Nous n'effaçons pas l'histoire, nous la réécrivons !".
<Janos : "Au cours des siècles, j'ai pu observer notre histoire devenir un mythe, pour finalement sombrer dans l'oubli.".
Moébius : "Juge donc l'auteur de tes sermons avant de les réciter.".
Vorador : "Quel piètre sauveur tu fais !".
L'Ancien : "Je suis, ici et ailleurs, maintenant et toujours.".
Ariel : "Je suis pure, mais éthérée. Kain, lui, est diablement réel mais vicié.".
Raziel : "Je ne voulais plus qu'une chose : débusquer Kain et l'annihiler.".
Kain : "L'épée est la clef !".
Moébiu : "Bienvenue âme perdue dans les âges. Rencontre ta Destinée.".
Raziel : "Ange ou démon, lui seul détenait la clé de mon destin.".
Kain : "Si Moébius t'avait dit que je me cachais au fin fond des enfers, m'y aurais-tu suivi, au péril de ton âme ?".
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 10 Commandements of the kingdom of our

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2 participants
Citoyen(ne) de NoSgoth
Citoyen(ne) de NoSgoth

Nombre de messages : 98
Age : 113
Race : lycan
Classe : trop.bien.pour.toi
Clan : déjà.pas.le.tien
Date d'inscription : 28/04/2008

10 Commandements of the kingdom of our Empty
MessageSujet: 10 Commandements of the kingdom of our   10 Commandements of the kingdom of our Icon_minitimeLun 8 Juin - 23:18

10 COMMANDMENTS NOS / NoSgul / Nogaku

1 ° you have to be major, older than 18 years if you wanna come.

2° You have to speak correct language and can't use LOL, MDR, TG, ptdr, Kikou and other .. Take your time to write good stuff... Don't use spam laughing with macro (use of emotes / me drink a glass, to illustrate your actions)

3° You must have a correct roleplay. You're not in Counter strike.

4 °You must respect people. Some people have RP limits that must be respected ; respect your opponent .. you are level 30 .. Do not harass the low level.

5 ° You can't fly nor use super jumps, or super fast racing.

6 ° No firearms ... Only medieval weapons are approved ; no vehicles in the sim.

7 ° Put you ccs off BEFORE a fight if you really do not want to fight (off. / 9off)

8 ° You must have read the rules, at the entrance of NoSfoth. Ignorance is not an excuse.

9 ° All illegal magic horus, dopestyle, exousía are prohibited. You can't orbiter nor cager. The shields and particle effects are prohibited.

10 ° Describe yourself and speak out!!!! This is the purpose of RP, talk to
your enemies before they kill .. try to give them psychological pressure, and build a story with people .. eachpeople has its own story .. friends, enemies .. get to know them while playing together .. .. you are not alone!

And enjoy!

Dernière édition par elrico le Mer 10 Juin - 0:42, édité 1 fois
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NoS-Manager ((OOC))
NoS-Manager ((OOC))

Nombre de messages : 165
Age : 40
Race : Vampire
Classe : acolyte
Clan : Guilde des voleurs
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2008

10 Commandements of the kingdom of our Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 10 Commandements of the kingdom of our   10 Commandements of the kingdom of our Icon_minitimeMar 9 Juin - 7:50

10 COMMANDMENTS NOS / NoSgul / Nogaku

1 ° you have to be major, older than 18 years if you wanna come.

2° You have to speak correct language and can't use LOL, MDR, TG, ptdr, Kikou and other .. Take your time to write good stuff... Don't use spam laughing with macro (use of emotes / me drink a glass, to illustrate your actions)

3° You must have a correct roleplay. You're not in Counter strike.

4 °You must respect people. Some people have RP limits that must be respected ; respect your opponent .. you are level 30 .. Do not harass the low level.

5 ° You can't fly nor use super jumps, or super fast racing.

6 ° No firearms ... Only medieval weapons are approved ; no vehicles in the sim.

7 ° Put you ccs off BEFORE a fight if you really do not want to fight (off. / 9off)

8 ° You must have read the rules, at the entrance of NoSfoth. Ignorance is not an excuse.

9 ° All illegal magic horus, dopestyle, exousía are prohibited. You can't orbiter nor cager. The shields and particle effects are prohibited.

10 ° Describe yourself and speak out!!!! This is the purpose of RP, talk to
your enemies before they kill .. try to give them psychological pressure, and build a story with people .. eachpeople has its own story .. friends, enemies .. get to know them while playing together .. .. you are not alone!

And enjoy!
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10 Commandements of the kingdom of our
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 Sujets similaires
» Rules of kingdom of Nos /Nosgul /Nogaku
» Les 10 commandements
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